Hello World! I hate you all! Actually there are quite a few of you I like, but the majority of you suck. : ) Also there is no god.
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1578 days ago
big think hmmm
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The Danegeld

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This is why even hardcore virtue signaling shitlibs sweat bullets and pay through the nose trying to get their shitliblings into White school districts.





GeneS writes about his experience with Diversity™,

Good Lord, that’s nothing. I taught in a High School in a well-known suburb east of Cleveland, Ohio for over twenty years and watched the school gradually shift from white to majority black as the years went by. You would NOT believe the stuff I saw and lived through. I found shit on the bathroom walls, dealt with assaults (even rapes!) during the school day, found the hallways packed with screaming animals every 50 minutes all day every day, heard “F### You!” And “N####R!” screeched hundreds of times a week, passed by one chaotic classroom after another as I walked through the school, shook my head over the mindless destruction of school property, hopelessly tried to teach mathematics to students who could not read and who could not reason, ran toward fights in the halls which immediately escalated every time into the most horrific scenes out of darkest Africa, comforted broken white teachers who were sobbing in the staff lounge…. it was a nightmare that never ended. I was paid very well, so I hung in there and finally earned my retirement, but it scarred my soul for sure. I came to the district a starry-eyed liberal and left 23 years later an extremely hardened race realist. Make no mistake, negroes are NOTHING like the rest of us.

The worst part of red pill awareness is realizing that our overlords shoving Diversity down our throats KNOW FULL WELL the miseries they are imposing on America. And they don’t care….

….or it’s part of their plan.

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2410 days ago
It's part of their plan.
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Oscar Countdown: Lady Bird and the Never-Ending Ritual

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Before you know it all of the stars will be walking the red carpet under the shadow of the Babylon Gate and entering into the Dolby Theater, which was the former site of the Hollywood Masonic Lodge.

The master of ceremonies this year-- like last-- will be born-again social crusader Jimmy Kimmel, whose show is taped at the Hollywood Masonic Temple. 

Astonishing coincidences, don't you think? 

The two big favorites this year are The Shape of Water--which has been compared to Cocteau's Beauty and the Beast-- and Lady Bird, the quirky coming of age story starring Irish actress Saoirse Ronan that's very much in the style of Juno, a previous Oscar darling. Lady Bird currently has a 99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

Lady Bird has also been nominated for Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay. Not bad.

Regular readers don't need to be reminded how both of these films mainline the rising archetypes we've been poring over here since Chris Cornell's death at the MGM Grand Casino on the Detroit River. I know a lot of people still have trouble wrapping their heads around the exegesis I've been laying out here but if so, there's Exhibit A and Exhibit B. 

The missus and I went to see Lady Bird on Valentine's Day and yeah, I don't know. 

I've had plenty of worse times at the movies, believe me, but I just couldn't shake the feeling I'd seen this movie at least a dozen times before. Of course, that's how I feel after pretty much every movie I see anymore. Because I have.

Given that's it also about an intact family and a girl who believes in God I wasn't quite sure how it lived up to its rep as being some radical feminist salvo against Trump. Plus, it also takes potshots at the new extreme left in the dead-on portrayal of a spoiled rich punk who hates Capitalism yet drinks deep from its trough every minute of every day. 

So is Lady Bird another Hollywood SJW struggle session? Not even close.

But I did have a serious problem with the film. I mean, the script was crisp and punchy and the story moves along at a pleasant clip, but then it just stops. I mean, stops dead in its tracks. 

My wife and I wondered if there was some kind of problem with the projector because it kinda feels like they just ran out of film and decided to just roll the credits on account of reloading the cameras was more trouble than it was worth. You got your money's worth, folks. Please proceed to the exits. 

And sure, Saoirse Ronan is perfectly charming and has great comic timing but she also looked a bit too old for the part. She looks 24, not 17.

So yeah, I was kinda left wondering what all the hype was about.

That is, until I tallied up all the emergent archetypal dominant bases Lady Bird hit. Then it was clear as glass.

Let's start here, which not only gives us a glance at Saoirse Ronan's head pasted upon a stork but also as a Max Ernst-styled Loplop Bird Superior. 

So just as The Shape of Water ties into Oannes and the Babylonian Mer-lineage that takes us up to Atargatis and the late-model Sirens, its companion piece Lady Bird gives us a heapin' helpin' of the pre-Picsean Siren. 

This is a tag-team we're looking at here and you really can't understand one film without the other.

What we're looking at here is that Siren archetype I've been screaming into the wind about, punching you right upside the head and demanding you pay attention already.

And just in case you didn't get the memo, the Olympics slammed it all home again with the Siren's Korean cousin here. Like I've said before, we're all being initiated, whether we want to or not. Everything is about to ripped out of the ground in order that this new paradigm can be planted. Get ready.

So, we saw the Ash Wednesday thing-- did I mention we saw this on Valentine's Day?-- but let's take a short, spoiler-free look at some of the others.

There's the emotional support peacock we're becoming so familiar with, speaking of Juno.

And the obligatory submersion-baptism shot.

And the extraneous Vega call-out.

And the callout to the Nephilim-Sons of Heaven-Vegas-Pearly Dewdrops, in the form of a rendition of Stephen Sondheim's "Giants in the Sky" (from Into the Woods).

Add in the overall ambience of religion and the Church and you start to get the picture; we're being initiated into the new religion. I have no earthly clue if Greta Gerwig was consciously processing that in her script but it's pretty clear what's going on here.

All the more so when you place all of this in context. 

Saoirse Ronan has been doing a lot of modeling for fashion giant Gucci, who have plugged directly into the emerging archetypal dominants with their 2018 line and the promotional campaign behind it. The concept art for the new line is full of potent symbolism, including a Siren (de rigeur by this point), a Sphinx and most significantly, Pearls.

And as such it depicts certain scenes in which giant women-- Colossi, really-- descend (read:"drop") from the sky or straddle entire continents, wearing pearl necklaces, whether real or costume. The odds this is all some kind of fluke-coincidence are about googolplex-infinity to one. In my opinion, at least.

But what do I know, right?

But just in case, there's Ronan rocking the now-familiar Pink-Orange-Red for Gucci.

Of course, Ronan's first big mainstream turn was in Sir Peter Jackson's adaption of The Lovely Bones, in which we see that familiar trope of the traumatized young girl-- Susie Salmon, in this case-- breaking through to a new reality. 

Yet again. Yet again.

Not only does she break through to another reality but she does so accompanied by the haunting timbres of Our Lady, Queen Dowager of Sibyls, singing Tim Buckley's immortal "Song to the Siren." 

Is this all starting to make sense to you now? I hope so, because as I told you, this never ends. Ever. 

This is your new reality.

Just in case the message isn't clear enough we also see Susie's brother, Buckley, nearly asphixiated.

No, seriously. His name is Buckley. You remember Buckley, don't you?

If you're still not quite convinced, we also hear Our Lady serenade us again during another pivotal scene in the film. The song in question here is the haunting lament, "Alice," which may or may not be a reference to Alice in Wonderland. It was originally recorded for the film, Stealing Beauty, which featured Liv Tyler.*

That actor in the clip is my former neighbor, Mark Wahlberg, who's also in another well-received film this season and that's Ridley Scott's All the Money in the World. His co-star there is Michelle Williams, former wife of the late Heath Ledger.

We talked quite a bit about Williams, particularly in connection to the Heath Ledger memorial at Cottlesloe Beach in Perth, Australia. That event gave us a moderately strong FLAP hit, FLAP being an acronym for "Fraser Locality Alignment Pattern."

As entirely-arbitrary, acausal luck would have it, Wahlberg would film with Martin Scorsese just over the border from Braintree, as well as other locations in the Boston Metro area in the Whitey Bulger allegory, The Departed.

And wonder of wonders, The Departed would also feature the conspicuously non-Irish Ray Winstone, who also starred back in 1994 in Ken Loach's Ladybird, Ladybird. 

With a Vega, no less.

Winstone would more recently do a strange turn as HG Wells in the British anthology series, The Nightmare World of HG Wells. Which featured music by...

...aww, you know by now. As far as I know this was her first-ever original score work, meaning she was hired to so the soundtrack, not hired to sing for one by another musician. It was said to be her first full-length work since Milk and Kisses.

A purple pileus is a mushroom, incidentally. 

And ironically, we're now living in HG Well's nightmare world.

All the Money in the World is about the kidnapping of oil heir John Paul Getty III, and is garnering praise for the acting of Christopher Plummer, who replaced Kevin "Little" Spacey after he ran into a major kiddie beef.

John Paul Getty III being the father of Balthazar Getty, who appeared in Lost Highway with Patricia Arquette. Getty and Arquette famously fuck to the lilting strains of one Elizabeth Davidson Fraser and "Song to the Siren."

But believe it or not, the Getty kidnapping is also the subject of a new FX series, with the Mark Wahlberg character played by...

...Brendan Fraser. And the John Paul Getty Sr role filled by...

...Donald "Vega" Sutherland.

In another Fraser-adjacent remake, we also saw Tom Cruise fill Brendan Fraser's shoes in 2017s Mummy reboot. More on that later. Along with the other ten-million posts sitting in the queue waiting for me to add stupid jokes to them finish.

Tom Cruise starred in the Elizabeth Fraser crypto-allegory, Minority Report, nominally based on the Philip K Dick novella. Oh, didn't I tell you Minority Report is about her? 

Yeah. Damnedest thing.  

Something tells me this whole Siren business would be too mind-blowing even for Dick.

Anyway, Fraserganger Samantha Morton also played Mary Stuart in Elizabeth: The Golden Age.

A role soon to be tackled by the Lady Bird herself, Saoirse Ronan.

By the way, Ronan's movie debut was I Could Never Be Your Woman. 

She played a character called Izzie, short for Isabel, an Iberian variant of Elizabeth.

She played the daughter of a Rose, who was dating a Pearl. 

You can't make this shit up.

Saoirse also has a lovely pair of Frasereyes herself, now that you mention it.

Just in case this all seems a bit of the Hollywood Merry-Go-Round for you, I'll add that there's no discernible direct connection with these films or their makers, other than they're all in the same general business.

Or they're all in the same Elizabeth Fraser cult. 

That would be my guess.

With that in mind, let's hop a jet back to Perth.

Yes, Heath Ledger's hometown got itself a major dose of Siren ritualism with the Siren Song, um, ritual. The Perth Festival follows on the heels of the Sydney Festival, which itself featured a more explictly Fraser-centric Siren ritual with the performance of Aquasonic.

More explicit in that they at least acknowledge that they were impersonating Elizabeth Fraser. Maybe the Siren Song folks thought that went without saying.

Take a look at that video up there. Know where it's filmed? Right there in that green area, which just so happens to be bordered by Elizabeth Quay in the east, David Carr Park in the south and Fraser Ave on the west. 

Why do those names sound so familiar?

Right. Thanks.

The Perth Festival also featured a performance by an artist from Tonga, who submerged herself in a tank of water.

And as I've mentioned before, the Siren Song ritual kicked off the Perth Festival, which coincided with the formation of Cyclone Gita, which ravaged Tonga a few days later. Siren Song was played at dusk and dawn for the length of the festival.

I should mention that we saw a similar yet less potent FLAP coinciding with the location of the Siren Song's performance last year at the Dark Mojo Festival in Hobart, Tasmania.

And smack dab in the middle of all this, popular retro-rock magazine Louder Than War dropped its new issue with you-know-who on the cover. 

Timing is everything.

*You remember Liv Tyler, right? She played Arwen in Fellowship of the Ring. Remember the Aragorn-drowning scene and all? Remember Elizabeth Fraser singing 'Lament for Gandalf?' 

Good times.
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2425 days ago
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Winter Olympics For One Welcome Our New Vega Overlords

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The Winter Olympics opened in a subtler and more understated manner than we've become accustomed to, symbolically-speaking. 

But then again, the Somme Offensive was subtler and more understated than the mass rituals we saw in London back in 2012.

Luckily,  those of you who've been witnessing my descent into a Lovecraft character-type madness reading the blog over the past several months were uniquely positioned to decode the signaling we are seeing this year.

For instance, the Illuminated Vega up top, which some other bloggers might call a Phoenix. I guess it could be, only in that the Phoenix itself actually symbolizes the return of the Vegas from the metaphorical Infernal Realms. 

The word "Phoenix" itself points us to Mount Hermon, the mountain in which the Vegas made their pact to spread their seed amongst the Daughters of Men. 

And where they will one day return to so they can get back to tasty seed-spreading. The name points us to the heartland of the Phoenician Empire, where Mount Hermon sits today.

Of course, judging from all the press coverage, the most earth-shaking event at the ceremonies was the buff Tongan flag-waver who paraded around in the freezing cold shirtless and slathered in coconut oil.

Speaking of technologies so advanced they're indistinguishable from magic, remember those Phantasm-type hunter-killer orbs we talked about a couple weeks ago?  

Well, thanks to the power of Intel, they can apparently be reprogrammed to murmurate like grackles. 

Plus, make funny Shaun White cartoons in the sky over rebel districts before they liquidate their insolent populations as examples to any other willful quadrants that may start to get big ideas about resisting. 

No, I mean actual resistance.

And for a moment there it was as if the Pearlies themselves were a-dew-droppin' from the skies. 

An audible gasp was heard, followed by a solemn hush as the assembled crowd lost themselves in prayer and quiet contemplation of the day when the Pearlies are bound to their souls.

Then of course we saw the Giant Robot Fire Penis, which I expect will be the name of a thousand different metal and horror-punk bands this time Monday morning. 

Hopefully it was well-oiled as well.

But was that thrown out as a red herring to distract the cowans audience from another symbolic message altogether?

Like what, you ask?

Well, correct me if I'm wrong but that flaming cauldron looks at least vaguely Pearly, no?

And I'm guessing this charming fellow here woke to light the fire. 

And then they threw in some ersatz sacred-geometry Navel of Gazing or whatever, just to throw the YouTruthers and New Agers off the scent.

Then again, that might be a wormhole diagram. Or a remote targeting test.

Be that as it may, some local pop stars dropped by to belt out the current heat-seeker in the Amazon category, Top Socialist Anthems Written by Abusive, Dysfunctional Multi-Millionaires, "Imagine." 

All the Davos types sipped on the hot Thiel Farms® child-slave hemoglobin they keep in their thermoses and gently swayed to the beat.  

Sadly, it wasn't all fun and games and glistening Tongan musclemen last night. Apparently, the "perfect human pathogen" is spreading at the games.

Some choice NLP there; the subliminal messaging here is that "humans are pathogens."

It looks as if it's getting pretty dicey over in SK, if reports are to be believed. Let's wish all concerned good health, and a speedy recovery to those who've been stricken.

So then we can try to unpack the timing of this little tidbit in the news today. While we're at it, let's all hope and pray that the Microbes aren't ready.

Finally, someone on the FB group posted this fascinating snap of a graffiti observed on the streets of a Chilean city. It reads, "After God is the Vega," which definitely has the ring of prophecy to it, no? 

Certainly to you good Sunners out there in Cyberspace. Let's all hope that prophecy doesn't become our epitaph.

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2439 days ago
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Trusting science

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Are you placing your faith in scientistry or scientody? Because if you believe in the reliability of the latter, you need to understand that the former, on average, no longer practices it:
More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments. Those are some of the telling figures that emerged from Nature's survey of 1,576 researchers who took a brief online questionnaire on reproducibility in research. The data reveal sometimes-contradictory attitudes towards reproducibility. Although 52% of those surveyed agree that there is a significant 'crisis' of reproducibility, less than 31% think that failure to reproduce published results means that the result is probably wrong, and most say that they still trust the published literature.
This is absolutely incredible. Even Hollywood accounting is not this slipshod! In how many other fields does the failure of the numbers to add up correctly not mean that the result is wrong?

What this means is that nearly 7 in 10 so-called scientists are not utilizing the scientific method at all. What now passes for "science" is now little more than a modern spin on the logical fallacy of argumentum ad verecundiam, the appeal to credentialed authority.
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2439 days ago
"What this means is that nearly 7 in 10 so-called scientists are not utilizing the scientific method at all. What now passes for "science" is now little more than a modern spin on the logical fallacy of argumentum ad verecundiam, the appeal to credentialed authority."
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The Particularism Of White Morality

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Humans aren’t fungible. Human races aren’t interchangeable. Even our notions of right and wrong are particular to our race. SWPL leftoids who assume the morality which guides them also guides the peoples of the Dirt World are making as ASS out of U and ME. Not to mention, aiding and abetting the destruction of the homelands they share with less naive or less malicious Whites.

The Fecalized Environment People of the world are incompatible with White Civilization. A bristling field report from a Nice White Woman who spent a year in Senegal on a Peace Corp mission proves the point.

What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right

Three weeks after college, I flew to Senegal, West Africa, to run a community center in a rural town. Life was placid, with no danger, except to your health. That danger was considerable, because it was, in the words of the Peace Corps doctor, “a fecalized environment.”

In plain English: s— is everywhere. People defecate on the open ground, and the feces is blown with the dust – onto you, your clothes, your food, the water. He warned us the first day of training: do not even touch water. Human feces carries parasites that bore through your skin and cause organ failure.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that a few decades later, liberals would be pushing the lie that Western civilization is no better than a third-world country. Or would teach two generations of our kids that loving your own culture and wanting to preserve it are racism.


Senegal was not a hellhole. Very poor people can lead happy, meaningful lives in their own cultures’ terms. But they are not our terms. The excrement is the least of it. Our basic ideas of human relations, right and wrong, are incompatible. […]

Take something as basic as family.  Family was a few hundred people, extending out to second and third cousins.  All the men in one generation were called “father.”  Senegalese are Muslim, with up to four wives.  Girls had their clitorises cut off at puberty.  (I witnessed this, at what I thought was going to be a nice coming-of-age ceremony, like a bat mitzvah or confirmation.)  Sex, I was told, did not include kissing.  Love and friendship in marriage were Western ideas.  Fidelity was not a thing.  Married women would have sex for a few cents to have cash for the market.

What I did witness every day was that women were worked half to death. Wives raised the food and fed their own children, did the heavy labor of walking miles to gather wood for the fire, drew water from the well or public faucet, pounded grain with heavy hand-held pestles, lived in their own huts, and had conjugal visits from their husbands on a rotating basis with their co-wives. Their husbands lazed in the shade of the trees.


The Ten Commandments were not disobeyed – they were unknown. The value system was the exact opposite. You were supposed to steal everything you can to give to your own relatives. There are some Westernized Africans who try to rebel against the system. They fail.

We hear a lot about the kleptocratic elites of Africa. The kleptocracy extends through the whole society. My town had a medical clinic donated by international agencies. The medicine was stolen by the medical workers and sold to the local store. If you were sick and didn’t have money, drop dead. That was normal.

So here in the States, when we discovered that my 98-year-old father’s Muslim health aide from Nigeria had stolen his clothes and wasn’t bathing him, I wasn’t surprised. It was familiar.

In Senegal, corruption ruled, from top to bottom. Go to the post office, and the clerk would name an outrageous price for a stamp. After paying the bribe, you still didn’t know it if it would be mailed or thrown out. That was normal.

One of my most vivid memories was from the clinic. One day, as the wait grew hotter in the 110-degree heat, an old woman two feet from the medical aides – who were chatting in the shade of a mango tree instead of working – collapsed to the ground. They turned their heads so as not to see her and kept talking. She lay there in the dirt. Callousness to the sick was normal.


All the little stores in Senegal were owned by Mauritanians. If a Senegalese wanted to run a little store, he’d go to another country. The reason? Your friends and relatives would ask you for stuff for free, and you would have to say yes. End of your business. You are not allowed to be a selfish individual and say no to relatives. The result: Everyone has nothing.


I couldn’t wait to get home. So why would I want to bring Africa here? Non-Westerners do not magically become American by arriving on our shores with a visa.

Truespeak. White values and White morality, let alone White worldview, White aptitude, White creativity, White psychology, White temperament, and White culture — in sum, White uniqueness, can’t be ported to other races, and in trying to do so all that is accomplished is a diminishment of the Whiteness — in form and function — we, in our vapid virtue signaling sanctimony, want the nonWhite world to share in, to adopt, to enjoy the blessings of, and ultimately to assume control of and to destroy.

We need more pushback like this field report from all corners of the )))dissident media(((. Trump is our opening salvo. He gets the memes out there — “shitholes” — and the screams of the White lambs follow, because they know any movement of the national conversation in the direction of Truth & Beauty means more obstacles in the way of realizing their dystopian vision of a gated community of White shitlib elites lording it over a sea of mystery meats.

The Rootless White Left know the wolf is outside their bubble, eyes leveled, teeth bared, muscles taut. They can feel our hot breath. They are afraid.

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2440 days ago
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